
Lirik Lagu Backstreet Boys - Don't Go Breaking My Heart

Lirik Lagu Backstreet Boys - Don't Go Breaking My Heart
Backstreet Boys - Don't Go Breaking My Heart
Lirik Lagu Don't Go Breaking My Heart - Backstreet Boys

Song Title : Don't Go Breaking My Heart
Artist / Singer : Backstreet Boys
Song Writer : Wrabel, Jamie Hartman & Stuart Crichton
Genre : R&B, Pop
Album : Lirik Lagu Backstreet Boys Terbaru (2018)
Label : RCA Records

Lagu yang berjudul "Don't Go Breaking My Heart" adalah lagu Terbaru yang dinyanyikan oleh Backstreet Boys yang dirilis dibawah label RCA Records. Sekilas lirik lagunya, "I got mixed emotions, Did I finally find me a river that could lead me out to the ocean?, Cause I've only ever known the kind of love, That leaves you bodied and broken, So forgive me for my mixed emotions, yeah yeah.........". Lagu ini sudah bisa didengarkan di media streaming online JOOX, Spotify, iTunes dan lainnya.

Semoga anda terhibur dan senantiasa mendukung karya karya dari Backstreet Boys.

Lirik Lagu Backstreet Boys – Don't Go Breaking My Heart :

Nick Carter :
I got mixed emotions
Did I finally find me a river that could lead me out to the ocean?
Cause I've only ever known the kind of love
That leaves you bodied and broken
So forgive me for my mixed emotions, yeah yeah

All :
I'm not that kind of person
Who can fall in and out of love with you
That's not what love's supposed to do
I'm not that kind of person
Who can fall in and out of love with you
That's not what love's supposed to do

All :
Baby, don't go breaking my heart, breaking my heart
Baby, don't go breaking my heart, breaking my heart
Cause it's the only one I got
Cause it's the only one I got

AJ McLean :
Am I being too open?
Cause I told you everything I have to say
And now we're having a moment
Does it make you wanna pick up all your things
And drive away like it's stolen?
Just forgive me if I'm being too open
No no no no, yeah yeah yeah

All :
I'm not that kind of person
Who can fall in and out of love with you
That's not what love's supposed to do
(what love's supposed to do)
I'm not that kind of person
Who can fall in and out of love with you
That's not what love's supposed to do

All :
Baby, don't go breaking my heart, breaking my heart
Baby, don't go breaking my heart, breaking my heart
Cause it's the only one I got
Cause it's the only one I got
Baby, don't go breaking my heart, breaking my heart
Baby, don't go breaking my heart, breaking my heart
Cause it's the only one I got
Cause it's the only one I got

Nick Carter :
I've been broken, I've been bruised
But now I'm all in 'cause of you
So if you're gonna love me, love me right, yeah
But if you're gonna be someone that hurts somebody just for fun
Then do it to a heart that isn't mine

All :
Baby, don't go breaking my heart, breaking my heart
Baby, don't go breaking my heart, breaking my heart
Cause it's the only one I got
Cause it's the only one I got
Baby, don't go breaking my heart, breaking my heart
Baby, don't go breaking my heart, breaking my heart
Cause it's the only one I got
It's the only one, it's the only one I got
Cause it's the only one I got
Baby don't go...

Lirik Lagu Backstreet Boys - Don't Go Breaking My Heart adalah hak cipta sepenuhnya dari artis, musisi dan label musik yang bersangkutan. Lirikimia hanya mengumpulkan semua informasi lirik dan lagu ini dari berbagai sumber di internet untuk menambah wawasan dan pengetahuan anda tentang dunia musik. Semua lagu dari lirik yang ada di blog ini sudah bisa didengarkan melalui platform streaming digital iTunes, Deezer, Joox, Spotify, KKBox dan platform streaming lainnya.

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